Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Section 6: Character Outlines and Script

Character Outlines
In our Thriller we have three main charatcers which are:
Dr John Redford (Brother of Daniel) .......... played by LOUIS SMITH
Daniel Redford (Husband of Clares) ........ played by DANIEL BOARDMAN
Clare Redford (Wife of Daniel) .......... played by JESSICA SHIRLEY
Dr John Redford
The Doctor is a scheming character that is after one thing, he is after his brothers fame and Daniels hard working fortune and he will ddo anything to get his hands on it. John in this film becomes and unstable character and starts becoming irrational and selfish and gets cosumed by his own greed.
Clare Redford
Clare is actually the most loving and caring person you'll meet, but she is harrassed and in the end persuaded by John to help kill Daniel for his money. At first she seems like a character that knows right from wrong but ends up becoming a deluded character and becomes a coniving women.
Daniel Redford
Poor husband, he is one of the most sucessful men alive from his pesurverance and his dedication to working hard, he is a confident yet a kind and gentle man. Who cares for his wife a lot. Daniel ends up getting ill when his brother keeps giving him an unknown drug that is suppose to make him better, and Clare is helping John pay for this medicine and making sure Daniel takes the medicine in order to kill him off discretely, so "till death do us part" seems very ironic in this thriller.
Living Room Scene - No Dialogue
Clare: Spike the glass of wine
Daniel & John: Talking in the background
Clare: Pick up the glass and take it the Daniel
John: Pass Daniel the prescrition for the medicine
Daniel: Receive the prescription for the medicine
Clare: Stand next to Daniel and put your hand on his shoulder and pass the wine to him
Daniel: Receive the wine from Clare
Daniel: Drink the wine
(time passes by)
Daniel: Walk to table and put down the empty glass
Clare & John: Stand togther and look at Daniel when he turns around and falls
Daniel: Hand falls to the floor
Secret Room Scene - No Dialogue
John: Standing at desk shufferling papers round and photos as well
John: Writing in a diary about his life
John: Stand and look into the camera and then blink hard
John: Pick up the pen and and cross out Daniel in the photo and pick up the camra and look at his next target Clare
Outside Scene - No Dialogue
Clare & John: Walk up to eachother
Clare: Passes money to John
John: Takes money and takes out an envelope and gives it to Clare
Clare: Takes the 'Confidential' envelope
Clare & John: They both walk away in opposite directions

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