Wednesday 4 November 2009

Section 5: Treatment

Treatment for Incognito
Incognito will be an unusual film with a twisted plot. It is a trail of betrayal and exploiting trust, that portrays serious consequences of jealousy.
A rich man struggling from stress is betrayed as his brother swaps his medication in order to be with his wife – however things take an unexpected turn as his intentions soon start to change.
Beginning: Starts with with Daniel, Clare & John in a living room, Daniel has gone to see his brother to get more medicine for his illness. But Clare has spiked his drink with a drug and John is distarcting Daniel. Daniel dies at the beginning but then you see John in a secret room in an angry mood with photo hangups in the room. Then we see flashback of what he has been doing to plan against Daniel with Clare.
Middle: 2 weeks before the death of Daniel we can see Clare and daniel getting married and playing happy couple together. Through out their marraige Johns jealousy increases and he starts stalking Clare and trying to convince her that they should kill Daniel and get everything he owns. She is horrified at first but then she agrres with the misdeed. Now they are making Daniel paranoid as well as making him sick with spiking his drinks. Finally Daniel is killed and John and Clare inherit everything.
End: Clare is enjoying her new life in the end but wonders why isn't John enjoying the inheritance. Plus she doesn't know where he is. John is starting to loose his mind and his greed is growing and he wants all Daniels belongings to himself and does not want to share with Clare. So he hunts Clare with bloodlust and murder on his hands. Clare runs in fear and regret for the misdeed she commited. Clare is murdered in the end, but John is arrested and convicted of both murders because the evidence allicates him. In the end the whole plan was a disaster.
Opening Scene

Starts with a glass of wine on a table that you see getting spiked by someone, then that person brings that drink to one of the male figures that is talking to another male figure. Then we see the female figure pass the wine to the man in the suit and he then drinks it, and then puts the glass back onto the table. Then we see the male doctor figure in the background of a secret room with hang ups of photos with the male figure looking upset. Then we see flashbacks of the man's past of him exchanging items with a female figure and seeing him writing a diary and ends with two photos, one being crossed out and one being circled. That includes the starting credits throughout the sequence.
Target Audience
The film should have a strong appeal for a wide audience, ranging from 18-27 years old yet the film is not an 18 certicate. It would appeal to audiences who enjoy suspense and twisted plots. The seriousness of the story will also appeal to older audiences as well as it has a different approach to them as the plot is of a different kind.
For this reason, the film will have a 15 certificate: as scenes of violence and drugs will be used, as well as bad language. This will help portray the characters attitudes and help the viewer understand the characters more.
Other Details
There will be no recognisable stars in the plot, as this will make the plot less revealing. Locations will be ordinary with sets such as the characters houses and the hospital etc.

Synopsis Detailed
The beginning of the film starts with Clare Redford spiking Daniel Redford’s (her husband) drink while Daniel receives a prescription from his brother Doctor John Redford, which is just to distract Daniel so Clare can spike Daniels drink. Then Clare picks up the wine and walks to Daniel and passes him the drink. Next Daniel drinks the wine and doesn’t realise its spiked, followed by a cut to a secret room that Doctor John has occupied with photo hang ups of Daniel and Clare with John looking through documents and prescriptions. John is upset and on edge in the background of the setting then John starts thinking back to what crime he has done and then we see a flashback of his misdeeds. The flashbacks are of him exchanging drugs and money with Clare and then we have two photos of Daniel crossed out in red marker pen and Clare photo circled. Now John has got rid of his brother, he now wants to get rid of Clare for his own selfish needs.
So its two weeks later before Johns & Clare’s crime was committed, at this time we get to see Daniel and Clare getting married. After that we see that they are living a happy and loving marriage with a great home and a lot of money. But John is jealous of his older brother Daniel because he has a beautiful wife a successful carrier as a well known business and John can’t stand his success even though John is a Doctor. So John stalks Clare and starts trying to convince Clare that they should kill Daniel so that they could both take all his money and success for themselves. At first Clare is horrified at the thought that John would want to kill his own brother. Once she rolls the idea in her head and s lot of convincing she decides to help John kill her husband and his brother. Throughout the middle of the moving they are having secret meetings and are planning on how to kill Daniel. They start by making him paranoid with death threats from an anonymous character. Also Clare is adding to the plan by spiking all Daniels drink with drinks that she has to buy from John so he can pay for them so that the missing drugs don’t look like they are being stolen. Throughout the spiking of the drink Daniel starts to get sick. Daniel sees his brother to get medicine to make him better and John exploits Daniels trust to give him medicine that Daniel believes will make him better and Daniel doesn’t ask about the medicine he is given because he trust his brother so much. As days go by his health keeps degenerating and Clare telling him that he will be better soon. Once Daniel goes to another appointment to see his brother, it his is last. John distracts Daniel while Clare adds another pill in another drink of Daniels and gives it him to drink to celebrate that he is starting to get better apparently. Suddenly Daniel falls to the ground and dies but not yet until seeing Clare with John, then they walk off and leave him to die.
Near the end of the film Daniels death was never looked into in depth and was classed as a mix up of prescriptions’, so no one has no idea what really happened to this big successful man. Now Clare is enjoying her new business and living the sweet life, but John is nowhere to be seen and Clare is getting worried and suspicious. John is starting to go mentally insane and is turning even more selfish and greedy because he wants all his brothers’ money and his business company. At an instant John goes to Clare’s with blood lust and murder on his hands. So John starts chasing Clare in her home and Clare is in tears with regret and sorrow of Daniels death. In the end Clare is brutally murdered. Then John is arrested and is convicted of Clare’s murder and they find documents on Daniel and plans on the death of him and they assume that only John planned both murders.

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